Hi all,
Its been 4 weeks since last update and there has been some improvement
in the tables as shown in yellow highlight. Dawn Broom has run Leeds and Hull
to make a strong late push on all the tables...go Dawn!
Good strong notable run also by Vince McGowan at Hull (first
time under 19 minutes and he runs the same time of 18.57 twice! Simon Ellerker
managed a PB at Sewerby paced round by Phill Taylor, I wish I could run that
fast at Sewerby, maybe that could be a long term challenge to set myself now I
am back fit! Well done Simon, can you go faster? Last and far from least
Kristina Rose over the last few weeks has knocked off over a minute from her
Hull time.....the hard work is paying off for Kristina. Well done.
Until the next time...
Overall Time
Age Grade
Unique Runs