Monday, 29 December 2014

2014 League Tables, the results are in.....

So there we have it last parkrun of 2014 is complete. The tables are updated and as expected it was very close indeed.

Overall Time
Winner of the Overall time competition is Gregan Clarkson who completed the 8 courses an amazing 10 minutes and 53 seconds faster than second place John Broom. Congratulations Gregan on retaining your title! John was 1 minute 51 seconds quicker than 3rd place Keith Littlewood. Keith beat me into 4th by a ridiculous 23 minutes and 34 seconds! Paul Backon was the only other person to complete all 8 parkruns.

Gregan completed the same courses last year in 2:13:35 so he has an improvement of 27 seconds, setting a new record! John overall time is 2:32:38 (8 minutes 37 seconds quicker than last year) and myself in 2:52:23 (2 minutes 27 quicker). Paul is a new entry for 2014 so nothing to compare to from 2013

Age Grade
The winner of the Age Grade (WAVA) competition is Gregan Clarkson, congratulations Gregan. Dawn Broom was last years winner, Dawn has struggled with injury this year and Gregan has been able to add this to his collection. In second place this year is John Broom who is only 0.76% behind Gregan. A further 0.45% behind was Keith Littlewood in 3rd place.

Gregan’s WAVA score of 625.54% does not set a record though, Dawns score of 626.71% still stands from 2013. Something to aim for Gregan?

Unique parkruns
John Broom retains his position as number 1 in this table, but was seriously made to work/travel for it! Last year John scored an impressive 31 points beating Dawn Broom by 2. This year John amassed 60 points pushed all the way by Keith with 59 points. Trips to Wales seems to have won over trips to Ireland. Dawn Broom came in 3rd position with 9 points more than 2013 but one place lower. I hope all the traveling to different parkrun has been rewarding, same again next year? Since I will be in Australia for a few weeks in 2015 I propose a 10 point bonus for a parkrun south of the equator! I joke of course….  

So there we have it. I hope to do some analysis on the runners who competed in 2013 and 2014 but I need to find some elusive time to do that. Any personal objections to any analysis please let me know.

We have one new entrant so far for next year, Stephen Maddison, any others please contact me. Do we have anyone who wants to be taken of the list? Checking people each update who seem to have no real involvement in the leagues is a little frustrating. Happy to have everyone who want to be involved, involved. Any new entrants for 2015 need to let me know by the end of February. The end of next year could have a delayed final official update as I intend to be abroad.

Enjoy New Years day parkruns and 2015…..

Final Tables below:

Overall Time:

 Age Grade:

Unique parkruns:

Friday, 12 December 2014

Correct tables - as of 12/12/14

Sorry yesterday I uploaded from the incorrect folder. The correct tables are below:

Overall Time

Age Grade 

Unique Runs

Thursday, 11 December 2014

League Tables as of 11/Dec/14

Hi all,

It’s been a month a busy month. I enjoyed a run at Albert parkrun in Middlesbrough a few weeks ago and I can fully recommend that as a fast friendly parkrun.

So where are we with pYL?

We have had a few PB’s over the last month and special mention must go to Neil Mickleburgh for shaving a few seconds off his Hull parkrun. The other run that stood out was Gregan’s run in Scunthorpe. Not the easiest of parkruns, certainly not the flattest with some tight turns Gregan run a fantastic 15.59 age grade of 81.33%!

Overall time League we now have John Broom at the top 83 seconds ahead of Keith Littlewood. Is this one sewn up? Think lots depends if Gregan can get a good run at York before end of the year.
Age Grade League, 1.61% Keith has over John. Again there is a chance Gregan can overtake with a good run at York. Gregan are you going to York?

Unique parkruns league looks done and dusted to me. John has had a run in Wales and Ireland in the last month that has pushed him ahead of Keith who has been sticking local.

So with a few weeks left, time to kick back and say it’s too cold and windy to improve times at parkrun, or time to really show the rest what your made of…..?

Keep on enjoying parkrun…


Overall Time League Table:

Age Grade League Table:

Unique Runs League:

Monday, 10 November 2014

Its all about me. Well it certainly is not but this post feels like that.....maybe you next?

Forgive my indulgence.

One of the reasons I put this little fun parkrun Yorkshire league together was to allow me to understand my running better and to be able to compare parkruns. Now with Graves changing their course  (making it a tad shorter to 5km) that does not help me, but I will put my fingers in my ears with that – for now.

Below are my results so far from 2103 and 2014 and I can see where I have got better and worse. I’ll also be looking at others times in this way as the final results of 2014 come in certainly in private, anyone any objections if I share on here?

Overall Time

Peter Pan
Mark Gadie
Mark Gadie
Age Grade
Mark Gadie
Mark Gadie

So my overall time (decrease) and Age Grade (increase) has improved from 2013 to 2014 which is certainly good. I was faster at 6 out of the 8 courses in 2014. There are always anomalies like I was running with my dog at Pontefract in 2014 and she had a pit stop so that slowed me down, but I can take generalisations. I was faster in 2014 then 2013 and my age grade has improved too as I (rather surprising I know) got older in the last year. I can see the courses where I want to go back and give it another bash, but the year is running out….. but it is not over yet, I may get back to one of the 8 course, though 21.01 at Sewerby in 2013…how did I manage that!! Think Pontefract maybe is in my sights…if the weather holds. Surly I can run a sub 21 there?

2015, will I be faster or slower? Will the Hull Marathon become my A race and will I slow down? Time will tell. 

Enjoy your parkrunning...

Sunday, 9 November 2014

9th of November Update

Hi all,

First to start off with a correction from last time. John Broom was down as having run 40 parkruns in England and 3 in Wales. I have just been through all of Johns runs for 2014 and that was incorrect. John as done 39 in England and 4 in Wales at the time of the last update. This will be reflected in the results going forward. I think my mistake was not recognising Colby as a Welsh parkrun.

So for this update:
Keith Littlewood has risen to the top of the Age Grade league but the battle rages with John Broom in not only this table but the other two as well. It seems both time is running out for Gregan to put up a fight…will he make the charge up the Age Grade and Overall Time tables? Im aware Gregan took a few wrong turns at Graves parkrun too, which certainly has not helped his claim.
The Unique Runs table is looking very top heavy with John and Keith really going for it. I wonder if Keith has any trips over the water to come, or if John will be visiting Wales again…

Nice to see Dave Playforth get a good time at Sewerby as he comes back from a long injury layoff and Dawn too seems to be on her way back. Still amazing Age Grade scores for Dawn even through all her injury setbacks.
Last point, we don’t see many 80% plus age grade scores. Keith managed that at Leeds last week, well done Keith.

The 80%+ scores so far this year:

Keith Littlewood 80.02% at Leeds
Gregan Clarkson 80.83% at Hull
Phill Taylor 80.55% at Hull

Keep on parkrunning…
Overall Times

Age Grade

Unique Runs

Sunday, 12 October 2014

12 October 2014

Hi All,
Has it been that long!! Lots of yellow, due to all the hard running and the time you have had to do it. Well done to all who have had some good parkruns! A brief update too as my tea is served and I need to go eat it.
Keep it going, next update will not be too long as we are at the business (AND COLD) end of the year!
Overall Time

Age Grade
Unique pakruns

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

20th August 2014

Hi all,
Its been a while and as each week goes by I get more and more eager to update the yPL. The update is complete and im happy to see a lot of people have been running hard over the peak of the summer and doing some touring.
Paul Backen is still in the lead of the Overall Time and Age Grade but is being chased down by Keith Littlewood. It was a pleasure to meet Keith a Hull parkrun last weekend where he ran from out of my site quickly and finished in 17:50, a parkrun PB! It seems if John Broom and Keith could have a epic battle on in the league this year on all tables looking how close their stats are.
I have been to Leamington and Fountains Abbey (35th birthday treat) recently and wish to report how very friendly Leamington parkrun is (including free squash and coffee!!) and utterly beautiful Fountains Abbey is. I can fully recommend visits to both.
Any mistakes noticed, please let me know.
Enjoy your parkruns,
Overall Time
Age Grade League

 Unique Runs

Sunday, 29 June 2014

29 June 2014

Over half way through the year and below is how the pYL tables are looking! There have been some outstanding performances of late and plenty of tourism. With regard myself I hope to be focusing on smaller races (5k 10k) August onwards so watch out … in the middle of the pack! Keith Gadie is my dad by the way, the competition on the Age Grade table looks interesting. We seems to be very similar age grade runners.
So what did I notice while putting the update together (sorry if I miss anything out I shouldn’t)..?
Keith Conkerton's great run to get 21 minutes flat at Hull, with a massive 71.35% age grade. What a stomping run Keith.
Gregan has knocked two great runs out at Hull and Sewerby, the Sewerby run was just 2 seconds short of Phill (not the power) Taylors best run this year. Can Gregan go back and beat 16.40?
Keith Littlewood has set the benchmark at York for this year, 18:08….who can go and beat that?
Then there is the Stephen Taylor and Vince McGowan tussle at Hull. Both have knocked time off since the last update, but Vince with his 18:41 has the edge over Stephen on 18:46 
Guy Gibson must have been happy with his 20:56 at Hull his fastest since his last PB back in September 2012, but with a age grade of 69.90…so close to getting into the 70’s. Guy can you do it, can you get into the 70%?
For the unique parkruns, John Broom is storming it again, Keith had a break for a while in Jamaica and has lost ground. Must say its good to see Dawn getting some parkruns in again, knowing how prohibitive the injury has been.
That’s it for this update, the next update I will aim to do will be the beginning of August. Enjoy your parkruns and let me me/us know how its going. Any mistakes you see I have done, please let me know.
Well almost…… Kristina Rose, I didn’t forget you. Hull parkrun 31 of May on her 100th run Kristina knocked out a PB.  Her last PB was in April 2011. Amazing Kristina, I had faith you would do it and you did. Well done.
The tables:
Overall Time:
Age Grade Table
Unique parkruns:


Sunday, 11 May 2014

11th of March Tables:

Please see below the tables as compiled today:

There are many notable performances and the danger is to list them and to miss some big ones out! The yellow highlight shows the improvements over last time and to risk it I want to say a special well done to:
Sheila for a massive PB at Hull,
Keith Gadie for a massive PB at Hull
Vince and Stephen for jointly getting 18:57 at Hull on the same day. A PB for Stephen but a PB equalling effort for Vince.
Need to say a well done a nice to see you back to Phill Taylor for his 16.17 run at Hull a few weeks ago.

Anyone have any dog friendly Fountains Abbey accommodation tips please let me know. I want to go there for my birthday!

Keep on running and improving through May and I hope to have a update early June. All the best..Lets all chase Paul Backen and John Broom down....


Overall Time

 Age Grade
Unique Runs

7th of April Correction....

I uploaded the wrong screenshot for the unique parkrun league last time around! Well spotted Sheila,  Dave and Gregan too I think! Here is the correct one from 07/April:

Sunday, 9 March 2014

9th of March 2014

A week later then planned but the bonus of that is that there is more yellow boxes showing updates! So here is a update of questions...

So lots improvement out there and lots of tourism. We have had not one but two runs in Wales (first for pYL) one run in Scotland (first for pYL) and one run in Northern Ireland (not a first for pYL). John Broom did the two runs in Wales, but seems to have not taken Dawn Broom! Shocked by Johns single mindedness in trying to retain his 2013 parkrun Unique Runs trophy! I joke of course. It seems this year Keith Littlewood will be the main competition and with a different parkrun each week including a trip to Ormeau in Northern Ireland, there will be a battle on there! When will Keith visit Hull though? Hopefully he lets us all know first so we can say hello.

With the overall time table Paul Backen has stormed to the lead, way out in front with only Graves parkrun on the list for him to knock off. It seems once again York parkrun is his fastest so York on a good day quicker then Hull? Andrew Cross has run so fast at three events he finds himself comfortably in second place, will Andrew do enough events to catch Paul Backen up?

The age grade table looks similar to the Overall time with Paul Backen once again way out in front. Well done Paul for a great start to the year even with all your injury problems.

Must just welcome my dad Keith Gadie to the league....only started running a year and half ago he certainly seems to be enjoying parkrun.

Also a special mention to Kristina Rose, who due to her birthday managed to improve her yearly age grade at Hull parkrun on the 8th of March but not her time! Nearly missed that update!

So the weather is getting better, its brighter in a morning and we all should be getting fitter and faster....improving all the on getting those runs in and get climbing all the tables.

The tables:

Overall time:
Age grade:
Unique runs:

Sunday, 2 February 2014

2nd February

Its February and the league has grown by two. We welcome Neil Mickleburgh and Andrew Cross. Hope you enjoy the league chaps.

Ill keep it short this time as there are too many improved runs to pick out, please see the yellow cells for all improvements. Let me know if there are any mistakes and keep on parkrunning....
The league will be closed to new entrants for this year at the end of this month, if anyone want to join (or leave) just let me know. In the meantime lets chase Paul Braken (overall time and WAVA) and John Broom/Keith Littlewood (Unique runs) down...

Until the next update then...probably start of March....

Overall Time

Unique Runs

Sunday, 12 January 2014

January 11th 2014

So 2014 is here, we welcome Keith Littlewood and Paul Backen to the league as they have let me know they want to join. Anyone else needs to let me know before the end of February. No one has let me know they want to leave...yet but please do if you wish to.

So quick update as I am flagging today...

Paul Backen has done three events in the league and that has catapulted him to the top of the Overall time and the Wava/Age Grade tables, even though he is 'injured' from a fall at Pontefract parkrun. John Broom looks like he is going to be trying to retain his most unique runs with knocking 4 different parkruns out already in 2014. Way to go!


Ill endeviour to update the league at least at the beginning of each update will be probably 2nd of February so lots of time to get moving up those tables....

All the best,

Overall Time

Age Grade

Unique parkruns