Sunday, 29 June 2014

29 June 2014

Over half way through the year and below is how the pYL tables are looking! There have been some outstanding performances of late and plenty of tourism. With regard myself I hope to be focusing on smaller races (5k 10k) August onwards so watch out … in the middle of the pack! Keith Gadie is my dad by the way, the competition on the Age Grade table looks interesting. We seems to be very similar age grade runners.
So what did I notice while putting the update together (sorry if I miss anything out I shouldn’t)..?
Keith Conkerton's great run to get 21 minutes flat at Hull, with a massive 71.35% age grade. What a stomping run Keith.
Gregan has knocked two great runs out at Hull and Sewerby, the Sewerby run was just 2 seconds short of Phill (not the power) Taylors best run this year. Can Gregan go back and beat 16.40?
Keith Littlewood has set the benchmark at York for this year, 18:08….who can go and beat that?
Then there is the Stephen Taylor and Vince McGowan tussle at Hull. Both have knocked time off since the last update, but Vince with his 18:41 has the edge over Stephen on 18:46 
Guy Gibson must have been happy with his 20:56 at Hull his fastest since his last PB back in September 2012, but with a age grade of 69.90…so close to getting into the 70’s. Guy can you do it, can you get into the 70%?
For the unique parkruns, John Broom is storming it again, Keith had a break for a while in Jamaica and has lost ground. Must say its good to see Dawn getting some parkruns in again, knowing how prohibitive the injury has been.
That’s it for this update, the next update I will aim to do will be the beginning of August. Enjoy your parkruns and let me me/us know how its going. Any mistakes you see I have done, please let me know.
Well almost…… Kristina Rose, I didn’t forget you. Hull parkrun 31 of May on her 100th run Kristina knocked out a PB.  Her last PB was in April 2011. Amazing Kristina, I had faith you would do it and you did. Well done.
The tables:
Overall Time:
Age Grade Table
Unique parkruns: