Sunday, 1 December 2013

Tables as of December 1st

Quick update this week, as I am off on a trip that will finish with a run at Darleys parkrun near Derby on Saturday.

So on the Age Grade table we have a new leader, a strong recent set of runs from Dawn Broom puts her top of the pile! I know Gregan is planning a Graves parkrun soon (14th of December) and as Dawn and Gregan are so close if Dawn runs Graves this year too that will be the run that decides it.....and on the toughest course too. Its interesting viewing the age grade percentages for both runners at each event, not a lot between them at most events but the circa 6% difference at York really makes a big difference...and puts Dawn top of the pile.

Big shout out to Dave Playforth and Sheila Maddison who have both done Pontefract and Graves in the last two weeks and moves them both up the tables. Dave just has Leeds missing now and Sheila Leeds and Sewerby.

On the unique runs its still John Broom leading the way on 26 events and Dawn just behind on 25. Quite a undertaking doing a fresh parkrun event on average every other week for the whole of 2013. I know my 14 feels a lot, but 25&26 is some achievement.

Lets all try and add some yellow between now and the end of the competition, at the very end of December.

We need to think about 2014 soon too......more events/different events, what works, what doesn't, what should be changed. If you have any thoughts please share with the group...

Till next time (2 weeks time I think)


Overall Time

Age Grade
Unique Runs

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